[CUBE] Spinning beach ball

Arturo Pérez arturo at ethicist.net
Tue Dec 3 15:05:48 PST 2002

On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 05:38  PM, James Knight wrote:

> .... there are no pageouts happening.
> .... All I know is that the problem starts when I'm ripping
> a CD and then try to use the internal HD eg when launching an app or 
> when
> Entourage tries to display an email.

There might be another thing going on here.  The (e)IDE bus doesn't 
behave well when
multiple devices are doing I/O.  That's one of the big advantages of 

If I'm using iTunes to import a CD (Tchaikovsky) it takes 11 bounces of 
the Dock to
load MS-Word.  If I do it without iTunes it takes 4.  Launching F1 
Championship demo
from a FireWire drive during an iTunes import only takes 4 bounces.

So, if you move some of that I/O activity off the internal eIDE then 
you shouldn't see
that beachball so much.

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