[CUBE] OT: Remote Access

Riba riba at hi.hinet.hr
Tue Dec 10 09:18:19 PST 2002

>>Yes, it is on ISDN, but the connection is not up all the time.
>>Actually, there is no difference between ISDN and good old modem,
>>so you can basically disregard it...it acts just like the modem
>Does your modem have some sort of dialback feature?  A friend of
>mine uses a Netopia something-or-other on ISDN, and whenever his
>Netopia sees an incoming call on the ISDN line, it rejects the call
>somehow (or maybe it just waits for the line to be free), and then
>it dials into his ISP.

That's great idea, I will check it! That would allow me to connect to 
the damn thing over the Net :)

Riba, riba at hi.hinet.hr on 10.12.2002

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