[CUBE] Any leads on an original video card?

Laurie A Duncan laurie at cubeowner.com
Mon Dec 16 19:10:55 PST 2002

Very often on ebay for under $50. Someone on the list might have one
leftover from an upgrade they'd be willing to part with (sorry... I keep my
spare parts for emergencies like these)

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On 12/16/02 9:20 PM, moo at MichaltheMilkman.com typeth:

>> When you say you've dried everything, have you pulled the core and
>> waved a drier over it?  Also disconnect the video connector and dry all
>> the pins.  The sooner you dry everything the better, because water can
>> cause corrosion.
> Yep. The cube and connectors are dry. I had a fingernail dryer running
> for an hour on it with all connectors hanging loose below. So... where's
> my best place to pick up a new stock card?
> Thanks,
> Michal

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