[CUBE] Isub with the Cube

Laurie A Duncan laurie at cubeowner.com
Fri Dec 27 13:27:01 PST 2002

Good catch, I thought I had corrected that already!

The FAQ as you saw it regarding speaker upgrades is only partially correct.
If you are using and booted in X, the iSub will work along with the Cube
speakers. You can run the iSub off a hub. The iSub supplies it's own power
so it doesn't need to be plugged into the Cube itself.

I will make that correction on the site now. Sorry I neglected to update it
earlier :)

AOL IM/iChat: cubeownernyc
Home of The Mac Cube FAQ!

On 12/27/02 4:01 PM, crmockler at attbi.com typeth:

>   Confused.   Cubeowner.com FAQ says the following:
> The Mac OS allows only one USB sound device at a time. Thus, the Cube
> Speakers and the iSub cannot be used together.
> But I read elsewhere you can use an iSub with the Cube.  If so, how?
> Running OS 10.2.3
> Carl

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