[CUBE] what scanner? what digi camera, what printer

Chris Searles csearles at t-online.de
Mon Apr 14 23:50:06 PDT 2003

on 15.04.2003 4:05 Uhr, Brian Kurotsuchi at cube at big-endian.org typed

> Take a look at the Olympus Stylus 300 and 400 digital cameras.  They are
> fairly new.
> - 3.3 or 4.0 megapixel
> - all metal case
> - weather resistant
> - small!
> Olympus has a reputation for knowing how to make compact cameras.

You might want to confer the latest May issue of MacAddict on this one.
According to them, the Olympus Stylus 300 digital camera didn't stack up all
that well against a similar model from Canon. (Canon = "Great", Olympus =

chris searles

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