Re-review of MCE superdrive

J.C. Webber III jcw at
Thu Apr 24 11:50:46 PDT 2003

I had earlier expressed some disappointment in the results I obtained
burning DVDs on my cube using my new MCE internal slot-loading superdrive.

I have since had the opportunity to try again using the 4X media instead
of the 2X I used in my initial attempts.

The results this time were quite satisfactory with one caveat, which
is probably not the fault of the superdrive.  I was listening to iTunes
while burning one of my iDVD projects and the speakers went out.
I suspect this is the infamous USB problem some of you on this list
have experienced.  This is my first experience with this problem and
it was a bad one.  The iDVD burning session hung with only 6 minutes
left.  In fact, the entire workstation hung to the point where I had
to do a hard reset.  I could still ping it from other machines on my
LAN, but I could not ssh into it to kill off the hung processes.  A
complete reboot was my only remedy.  Turned that DVD into a coaster 8^(.

But subsequent attempts were successful and I was able to play the
resulting DVDs on both my iBook and a commercial DVD player.  I opted
for leaving the system alone while the burning was in progress.  No
iTunes this time.

Just wanted to give yaw'll an update....
J.C. Webber III       
Technical Lead, Unix System Administrator
jcw at (home)

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