No subject

Todd Masco cube-list-local at
Mon Apr 28 15:43:19 PDT 2003

> Anyone get the library sharing to work?

Yes.  This is *awesome*.

I just spent an hour sharing music libraris with an old friend who 
lives 1200 miles away.  He was browsing through mine, I was browsing 

Oh yeah, I did have to configure the firewall to pass port 3689 to my 
server machine, no big deal.

Interesting, he couldn't share songs that he bought from the Apple 
Music Store with me - my iTunes was referred to the store, which it had 
to try to log in to using his userid/password (which I, of course, 
didn't have).  It's an interesting compromise, but won't help when he 
burns it to CD and rips it from the CD.

But this is really great.

[Sorry, not cube related.  Oh well.]

	-- Todd

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