Cube shutdown!

Meirion Roscoe roscoe at
Tue Apr 29 09:08:30 PDT 2003

My cube keeps shutting down or puts itself to sleep.. I have tried 
relocating the DC-DC board as the Apple website suggests.  No luck.  I 
remember that someone here said it might be an oversensitive capacitive 
discharge switch on the cube and that there was a thicker gasket!? 
available from Apple.  Apple UK deny all.  Strange that!!  Also I 
remember someone saying that a piece of sellotape placed crucially 
might do the job.  I noticed that the switch electronics are only 
connected to the main gubbins by a 3 pin plug.  Has anyone tried 
disconnecting that ( no glowing switch - but hey!) and using the on/off 
on the Apple LCD.

All help appreciated



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