[CUBE] Sonnet 1.4 GHz upgrades

J.C. Webber III jcw at kingoblio.com
Sat Aug 2 17:29:14 PDT 2003

a l a n t h o m p s o n wrote:
> how long is forever?
> takes my cube 6+ bounces to fully open word to the point where you can 
> use it - the plus is the time after the last bounce, but is still less 
> than a bounce interval until the window comes up.
> i dunno, i'm still happy with my cube for all my word, ppt, toast, and 
> photoshop, etc. stuff except imovie.  but i suspect that is due to my 
> stock 20gb disk and bus speed issues.
> still, i may do the 800 or 1ghz upgrade in another 6months to a year.
> On Wednesday, July 30, 2003, at 06:33 AM, Steve Goldstein wrote:
> > forever to open apps like Weird

I put the 1.2Ghz Powerlogic upgrade in my cube and Word comes up
just as the third bounce is finishing.  Definately worth doing
the upgrade, IMHO.

J.C. Webber III       
Technical Lead, Unix System Administrator
jcw at kingoblio.com (home) www.kingoblio.com

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