[CUBE] small dog

Riba riba at hi.hinet.hr
Mon Feb 3 14:12:45 PST 2003

On Monday, February 3, 2003, at 10:30 PM, Laurie A Duncan wrote:

> On 2/3/03 3:53 PM, mawgadog at tin.it typeth:
>> because anything bought in Italy costs ten times the price probably 9
>> out of that ten goes into the pockets of the Mafia. Just an example
>> when i bought my 5gig ipod it was 399 in the states here i paid almost
>> 1000 for it so i ask you Laurie would you buy it from Italy??
> I didn't realize the lira was that far off from the dollar, so now I
> understand your dilemma.

Laurie, there is no Lira for some time now. But even now when the US 
dollar weakened in comaprison with Euro, the prices are still higher 
here and kept that way. For example cinema display 23" is 2.399,00 euro 
in europe, and that is 2.500 US$.

> Regardless, I wouldn't buy Apple earbuds anyway, at any price :)
> If you have relatives here in the US, perhaps they can order it for 
> you and
> ship it to you as  'gift" to avoid the duty?

Heh, I'm lucky, I've got parents in Texas ;)

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