[CUBE] Slot load DVD-RW Coming For Cube @ $400 To Begin With

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Tue Feb 4 13:09:32 PST 2003

I know, but have agreed not to tell yet. I will tell the list as soon 
as I get permission. OK?


On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 01:05  PM, Rob In der Maur wrote:

> Well, that does not really clarify your strong statement. It only 
> explains that there are DVD-RW drives currently in PowerBooks that 
> might fit in the Cube. Like I said, I've not seen any formal 
> announcement that a company is going to offer these drives for approx. 
> $400.
> cheers
> Rob
> On Tuesday, Feb 4, 2003, at 21:57 Europe/Amsterdam, Thubten Kunga 
> wrote:
>> It's the same drive Apple is putting in the PowerBooks.
>> k
>> On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 12:49  PM, Rob In der Maur wrote:
>>> Kunga,
>>>>> New slot load DVD-RW drives are coming for Cube @ $400 to start.
>>> How can you be so certain about this? Did I miss something? I never 
>>> read any formal announcement of any company that is going to produce 
>>> slot-loading DVD-RW drives for the Cube....
>>> cheers,
>>>>>> Rob In der Maur

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