[CUBE] External DVR-105 SuperDrive With Core In Case Easily Done

Simon Meyer simon.meyer at iteams.org
Sat Feb 8 08:45:07 PST 2003

on 8/2/03 4:56 PM, Laurie A Duncan at laurie at cubeowner.com wonderfully said:

> On 2/8/03 10:43 AM, simon.meyer at iteams.org typeth:
>>> Congratulations on a great modification Rich C. Excellent job. I now
>>> see how easy it is to do once the concept of round IDE extension cables
>>> is understood along with the idea that you can put those cables between
>>> the Core and the Case as you slide the Core back in.
>> Any Pics?
>> Simon
> It's detailed here:
> <http://www.cubeowner.com/forums//index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=1007&hl=&s=14d4a87a
> baf08b650e722a91beab25fa>
> And the full instructions and pictorial will be featured in the CubeOwner
> FAQ, as all Rich's mods are, when he completes it :)

Thanks Laurie


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