[CUBE] DVR-105 $189 at Staples

J.C. Webber III jcw at kingoblio.com
Sat Feb 15 17:52:39 PST 2003

Cause I already own a 14" iBook, a 17" iMac, a 20Gig iPod, and the Cube.
I want to make the Cube a kick-ass box!  I've already upgraded the
drive to an 80Gig 7200RPM Maxtor and I've got the PL1.2Ghz CPU on order.
Now I just need a great graphics card (but not too noisy or hot) and
a DVD-R and I'll be all set (til the next HOT item comes down the pike).

And I've only been using Macs for a couple of years.  Been a Unix
guy my whole life.

-- jcw
Thubten Kunga wrote:
> Not yet. Why don't you use your employee discount and buy a dual 1.43 
> GHz Power Mac? ; ^ )
> k
> On Saturday, February 15, 2003, at 05:39  PM, J.C. Webber III wrote:
> > Thubten Kunga wrote:
> > [ Charset windows-1252 unsupported, converting... ]
> >> It's a pretty easy mod. 12 screws and a round IDE extension cable.
> >> Simple. Slotload is going to coast more than $400 for a while ? twice
> >> as much.
> >
> > Are there even any out there that would work in the Cube?  If so,
> > do you know a Make/Model?
> >
> > thx...
> > -- 
> > J.C. Webber III
> > Technical Lead, Unix System Administrator, Apple Computers
> > jcw at apple.com (work) jcw at kingoblio.com (home) www.kingoblio.com

J.C. Webber III       
Technical Lead, Unix System Administrator, Apple Computers
jcw at apple.com (work) jcw at kingoblio.com (home) www.kingoblio.com

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