[CUBE] How To FlashROM A $45 32MB TwinView PC Radeon 7000 So They Work In Cubes/Macs

J.C. Webber III jcw at kingoblio.com
Wed Feb 19 15:59:47 PST 2003

I can understand the 'tension' caused by the tone of Mr. Kunga's post,
and I don't condone it, but I have to agree with him that the
presumption that 'any PC user' should be able to do this is also

I've been a Unix System Administrator for 16 years and I've *never*
had to do this procedure and was quite clueless about how to go
about it until Mr. Kunga's follow-up howto doc.  Thanks to him,
now I too can do this.  So now maybe I'll take another look at this
card, which I had scratched off my list because of the requirement
to 'flash' it.

Anyway, thanks Mr. Kunga, but please try not to alienate these
people, we need them!  And please, do continue to contribute
what and when you can.  We all benefit.

-- jcw

phoenix wrote:
> From: "Thubten Kunga" <Kunga at FutureMedia.org>
> > codes kept to the sanctimonious pious all knowing Bishops
> > and Lords of  The List who believe that manners take
> > precedent over knowledge sharing.
>         The two go hand-in-hand.  Please, as a courtesy, take 15 minutes and
> read RFC 1855 before you decide to post again.  A quick Google search will
> yield it in a jiffy.
> > My eternal gratitude to the creator of this hack Michael
> > Bosshard of somewhere in Europe for helping me perfect
> > these instructions so any idiot who stumbles upon them can
> > perform the ROM flashing.
>         Flashing the ROM on most components really /is/ something an idiot
> can do.  Just ask any PC users in the last 5 years who've had to perpetually
> update the firmware on their Winmodems.
> cheers,
> phoenix
> --
> "We're pretty good at looking at a turkey sandwich
> and realizing it's a turkey sandwich"
>                      -- the TSA's director, on baggage screening

J.C. Webber III       
Technical Lead, Unix System Administrator, Apple Computers
jcw at apple.com (work) jcw at kingoblio.com (home) www.kingoblio.com

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