[CUBE] partition math

jj4 at sympatico.ca jj4 at sympatico.ca
Mon Feb 24 08:10:27 PST 2003

Chris wrote;
> <<just bought  a 120gb drive as a present for my cube. so here is the
> question. I was thinking of a partition for OS9, another partition for 
> OS10,
> and another for Virtual PC, oh, and another for documents. That makes 
> four
> partitions. is that a good idea? is there any good reason to have more 
> or
> less? Never really sure about this, and being as it will be set in 
> stone for
> a long time, I thought I best to ask the experts before I start. And 
> how big
> should I set them. questions questions. thanks, as ever. Chris >>

4-5 Gig is plenty for OS9 but it probably could be smaller (you 
explore). VPC I don't know anything about so someone else needs to 
chime in here. My OSX 10.2.4 takes up 3 gig so I would give it 5 or 6 
gig (10-15 gig if you want to install your programs on this partition) 
to allow for expansions to sys. And the left-over for your documents 
(and programs if they are not in the OSX partition).

Really the answer is tied to what you wish to put on the partition. 
Will you install any programs into your OS9 or OSX partitions or put 
them somewhere else? This would determine where some of your space 
goes. Add up the requirements of what you want to put where and leave 
space for operations like cache for photoshop, etc..

120 gig is a fair amount of space for average use (gobs of space 
actually) but if you plan to edit video it could be considered quite 

My partitions are OS9 4 gig and OSX 15 gig and contains all my programs 
and data. I could use a bigger HD. If I were to add VPC to the mix I 
would want 3 partitions to acommodate but I think I would want the new 
partition and OSX partition to be close to the same size so I can back 
up my data on the other to facilitate reinstalls of OSX or VPC.

Hope this helps.


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