Re: [CUBE]  A tale of a G4 Cube and an AirPort card

J.C. Webber III jcw at
Wed Feb 26 00:12:54 PST 2003

Leif Joel Örell wrote:
> Read about "=A0A tale of a G4 Cube and an AirPort card" at
> Did any body els have this problem with your airport card?
> Joel=

Nope, no problem here.  BTW, I've never experienced the 'coma'
problem either.  Mine has always awoken from sleep just fine,
even with 10.1.5, 10.2, 10.2.2, and now 10.2.4.  Also, I just
upgraded my CPU to a PL1.2Ghz and still no 'coma' problems.

I guess I just live right 8^)
J.C. Webber III       
Technical Lead, Unix System Administrator, Apple Computers
jcw at (work) jcw at (home)

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