[CUBE] Gaming performance vs USB speakers

Magnus Petersson mp at algonet.se
Fri Feb 28 09:35:52 PST 2003

In the words of RedEclipseTurbo:

> I noticed less than 1 FPS drop while benchmarking several cards on
> Unreal Tournament so if it does cause a performance hit then it must be
> selective. 

Very selective indeed. Maybe it only relates to the 7500.

> It could be that they had 3d Sound activated or some other
> CPU intensive sound setting that caused the slowdown.

Laurie, do you know if that particular comment is relative only to the 7500
mod, and where it originated?

> Retrofit an ATI 8500 or get a GeForce3 card in there to max out the graphics
> output to where it will be limited by the CPU.

I was hoping to swap a new 8500 for this old 7500 we have in one of the
towers at work, but now I'm not sure.


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