There's a thread about this topic in the CubeOwner Forums, including a fix I posted from which has worked for at least one person in the thread so far (yay!) The thread can be read here: < 3efeec59e37a041eb61> Laurie -- AOL IM/iChat: cubeownernyc Home of The Mac Cube FAQ! On 1/5/03 8:32 PM, abillups at typeth: > I don't think that it is the iSub because since I upgraded to 10.2.3 my > round ball speakers that came with the cube cut out to. Unplugging and > replugging works sometimes, then other times, it comes back of its own > accord. Yesterday, I was taking sound off of an MPG recorded from my > cable with EyeTV, and the sound just stopped. Rebooting was the only > thing that worked to get the sound back. The speakers are plugged into > the usb on my 17" Cinema Display LCD. I also have trouble with my > LogiTech wireless keyboard and mouse stopping. Unplugging and > replugging the receiver always brings that back. So I think there is a > problem with 10.2.3, but that is just my opinion. > > On Sunday, January 5, 2003, at 10:27 AM, Therain Demon wrote: > >> I just upgraded my cube to 10.2.3, and about the same >> time, got an iSub. For the most part, I like the >> iSub; it's attached to an external powered usb hub. >> But Every now and then, the sound from the speakers >> and iSub fades away and stops. Also, sometimes upon >> waking up, the iSub doesn't "wake", and has to be >> unplugged. Has anyone else encountered these >> problems? Is it 10.2.3, or is the iSub defective? >> >> Cory