[CUBE] New Sonnet Upgrade for the Cube!

Laurie A Duncan laurie at cubeowner.com
Tue Jan 7 05:05:44 PST 2003

For those of you who do visit my site, I am posting fairly regular MWSF
updates today and throughout the week. Since I do actually have to work for
a living, it might not be as comprehensive as the major Mac new sites, but
I'll do my best to keep you up-to-date :)


AOL IM/iChat: cubeownernyc
Home of The Mac Cube FAQ!

On 1/7/03 6:32 AM, aambrosi at mac.com typeth:

> Gang,
> Nice to see that someone is commited to keeping the cube alive.
>> http://www.powerlogix.com/press/releases/2003/030107.html

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