[CUBE] We Can Have SuperDrive "Inside" Now

phoenix phoenix at cybernothing.org
Wed Jan 8 22:59:49 PST 2003

From: "Thubten Kunga" <Kunga at FutureMedia.org>

> eBay has 450 Cubes for $500 now.

        *bangs head on desk for spending $800 on a 450 just two months ago*

> Anybody doing upgrades or wanting more silent computing
> should get 'em while they're cheap! As soon as the
> upgrades resume shipping, those prices may go up again.

        Unless someone comes out with a tiny silent cryo-cooler, I'm likely
gonna' stay with the stock 450 processor.  Silent is nice.  If I want noise,
I've got my Wintel boxen.


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