Incase anyone's wondering.. is the linkto the Japanese site that sells the combo drives. Now as to how to buy it from them,,??? got no idea.. probably have to email them about an international order. Nobody seems to sell the CW-8121 raw. It's only slightly interesting anyway, I've got a DVD reader and when I need to burn CD/RW's, I have a nice firewire unit that I set my cube on top of when in use. It's more useful to me that way since I can move it about to any of my computers instead of being bolted into a single machine. An iDVD-compatable internal drive would be interesting though, it would give added functionality that an external drive would not have. Of course the best thing would be for iDVD to support external drives, but I dont think that will ever happen. iDVD is a sales tool for new Macs.