[CUBE] Fix pre-binding pt 2

Alan Thompson athomp2 at mac.com
Thu Jan 9 08:41:06 PST 2003

not really a sysadmin question, but basically,

the command/process/app, fix_prebinding, with a process id of 505 
misbehaved by messing with (likely overwrote it's memory space) a 
system level process, the message server, which starts at boot, and is 
launched by the kernel.

the thread crash info is showing the memory space allocated to it, or 
possibly the offending addresses where it went to retrieve data, but 
found unexpected results as the fix_prebinding process had written 
something there...  the powerpc stuff is beyond my cryptic 

On Thursday, January 9, 2003, at 04:13 AM, John Guy wrote:

> Date/Time:  2003-01-09 12:00:19 +0000
> OS Version: 10.2.3 (Build 6G30)
> Host:       John-Guys-Computer.local.
> Command:    fix_prebinding
> PID:        505
> Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
> Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x000002d8
> Thread 0 Crashed:
>  #0   0x000152a4 in 0x152a4
>  #1   0x0000c3d8 in 0xc3d8
>  #2   0x0000c0ec in 0xc0ec
>  #3   0x0000b3ac in 0xb3ac
>  #4   0x00007b20 in 0x7b20
>  #5   0x00004250 in 0x4250
>  #6   0x0000290c in 0x290c
>  #7   0x00002414 in 0x2414
>  #8   0x00002a2c in 0x2a2c
>  #9   0x90031c44 in mach_msg_server
>  #10  0x00002c40 in 0x2c40
>  #11  0x00002f48 in 0x2f48
>  #12  0x00002188 in 0x2188
>  #13  0x00002008 in 0x2008
> PPC Thread State:
>   srr0: 0x000152a4 srr1: 0x0200f030                vrsave: 0x00000000
>    xer: 0x00000000   lr: 0x00015254  ctr: 0x90000f00   mq: 0x00000000
>     r0: 0x00000d20   r1: 0xbffff430   r2: 0x00000000   r3: 0x001311cc
>     r4: 0x00000003   r5: 0x00000001   r6: 0x000002d8   r7: 0x00032230
>     r8: 0x00000c30   r9: 0x00000000  r10: 0x00032230  r11: 0x001211c0
>    r12: 0x90000f00  r13: 0x000321b8  r14: 0x00032234  r15: 0x00000029
>    r16: 0x00000ca8  r17: 0x00001614  r18: 0x0012fc50  r19: 0x000000b6
>    r20: 0x00032234  r21: 0x000321b8  r22: 0x00130de0  r23: 0x0000001a
>    r24: 0x00032230  r25: 0x011fe354  r26: 0x00032234  r27: 0x0013119c
>    r28: 0x0000001c  r29: 0x00032230  r30: 0x00000c30  r31: 0x00014914

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