[CUBE] AW: [CUBE] Apple Hardware Test

Sensei (Eliezer Navarsky) sapir131 at zahav.net.il
Fri Jan 10 11:42:50 PST 2003


Once the hardware test passed I was sure the Cube was fine. As it was 
an intermittent problem I suspected the rodent all along but I wanted 
to be sure. I exchanged rodents with a close friend. Both worked fine 
for like an hour and half...

Then an iChat message popped up... Somebody wanted his own rodent 
back... PRONTO!

Thanks again,


On Friday, January 10, 2003, at 09:30  PM, Thubten Kunga wrote:

> All that work for a bogus mouse? Did the HW disk figure that out?
> k
> On Friday, January 10, 2003, at 11:29  AM, Sensei (Eliezer Navarsky) 
> wrote:
>> Thanks to everybody who offered help.
>> Happy to report that the problem is the mouse.
>> Bloody #@$*^ rodent...
>> Sensei

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