[CUBE] problem installing JAG

Riba riba at hi.hinet.hr
Sun Jan 12 04:30:11 PST 2003

> I'm still unable to install Jag on my 450 cube. The installer keeps 
> quitting
> early on in the installation...not always at the same point.  I just
> installed it on my girlfriend's dual 450 tower without a problem. Any
> suggestions? When it quits it goes to terminal mode and says roughly:
> "unexpected shutdown (error type 0) restart."

I don't remember if it was suggested before, but most of these problems 
are caused either by the firmware not being u to date, or even more 
often by the "faulty" RAM. Try removing any RAM that yu might have 
added and leave only what was in the stock cube. Try installing then, 
if it passes fine, that's it. Of course the previous OS X versions were 
sensitivie to RAM, but I don't know if you had it installed before.
Also, unplug all the USB devices except the mouse/keyboard and the 

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