[CUBE] Radeon 9000 retail?

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Mon Jan 13 15:14:45 PST 2003

That is an outrageous price. It better be the 2x model that the 17" APB 
uses. And even then, I am hesitant to want to pay that much money for 
it — certainly not for the 1x model. No way!


On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 02:01  PM, Bill Fox wrote:

> MCE will have a $449 slot-loading DVD burner that works with iDVD for 
> the TiBook on Feb. 25th according to MCE's Kevin Yuhas. Don't know if 
> the connectors will fit the Cube. Everyone wanting one might try 
> writing Kevin or Arni Ramirez at MCE: <kevin at powerbook1.com> or 
> <arni at powerbook1.com >
> Bill
> On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 01:23 PM, Sean Terrill wrote:
>>  I'm holding out for MCE or someone to make a DVD-R
>> upgrade, although if that doesn't happen in the next few months I 
>> guess I'll
>> have to go the "internal external" route.

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