[CUBE] Cube video card options

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Mon Jan 13 18:16:07 PST 2003

It's not on the website. It's in the store and it's the Cendyne 4x 
DVD-RW drive. Cendyne is a marketing company that boxes up Pioneer 
DVR-105's and sells them in their box. You have to go to the store to 
buy it.


On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 06:10  PM, abillups at mac.com wrote:

> I just checked the OfficeMax web site and they do not have the Pioneer 
> DVR-105 listed at all.
> On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 05:31  PM, Thubten Kunga wrote:
>> Did you read my post about how to get the Pioneer DVR-105 at 
>> OfficeMax for $220 after $50 mail in rebate until January 25?
> Ann Billups
> abillups at earthlink.net

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