[CUBE] Why Sleep (Was PL Upgrade)

a l a n t h o m p s o n athomp2 at mac.com
Thu Jan 16 20:16:02 PST 2003

well, i got clients and other interested parties that need the services 
my box offers 24x7, but i totally get it.  and i probably don't realize 
how much energy that it's using.  not sure how i'd approximate that, 
though.  interestingly, i live in a city where i require neither heat, 
nor ac.  if it's hot, open the windows, and turn on the ceiling fan.  
cold?  shut the windows.  my utility bill is ridiculously low for an 
1800 sq. foot, 3 level condo/home.

i'm about to host a box at an actual colo soon, and perhaps i will use 
sleep, and see what it does to my bill.


On Thursday, January 16, 2003, at 07:56 PM, Tom Spielman wrote:

> Leaving a computer on 24 X 7 is a complete waste of energy unless it's 
> actually doing something besides keeping a column of air above your 
> desk warm.

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