[CUBE] lost JAG password

Laurie A Duncan laurie at cubeowner.com
Thu Jan 23 04:48:03 PST 2003

It's not the bog, complicated secret Kunga makes it out to be.

Boot from the Jaguar install CD and choose "reset password" from the File

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On 1/23/03 2:38 AM, Kunga at FutureMedia.org typeth:

> From the Mastering OS X by Todd Stauffer pp.768-769
> Resetting Passwords
> If you forgot your password and can't log in, the password must be
> reset. For security reasons, you can't recover a lost
> password‹passwords can only be replaced. You have three
> password-replacement methods:
> I'm going to send this to you to find out if you will wait for me to
> write all this or would you mind phoning me right now please?
> It would be much faster if I can just read this to you.
> 831.477.1010
> Kunga
> On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, at 11:28  PM, Marty Levenson wrote:
>> Dear List,
>> My friend can't remember her jaguar password.....is there a way to
>> change it, or must I reinstall the system?
>> Thanks,
>> Marty

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