Hello Cube Peeps, I need some advice. OS 9.2.2 runs fine on my Cube, which I bought refurbished from Apple (no AppleCare). Well, I've had some firewire problems, but mostly fine. I finally got around to installing OS X 10.2, and it doesn't work. When I click on an item in a menu in OS X, it causes the frontmost application to crash about 1 out of every 3 times. This includes the Finder. This flakiness even happens when I boot from the Jaguar installation CD. I have ruled out: RAM (Same behavior with two different RAM cards, also different slots) Hard drive (I've reformatted, and like I said it happens even when booting from CD) Installation (I've reinstalled a few times) Installation CD (Something an Apple tech support guy had me try apparently ruled that out) Video card (Tried with original Rage or new nVidia) The Apple guy I spoke to gave up and told me to bring my Cube to CompUSA for service. Maybe I should mention my old FireWire problems in OS 9 -- I never could get a MOTU 828 FW audio device to work properly, although it works with a G4 Tower, and I get a lot more freeze-ups when a FW drive is connected to the Cube. If you were me, would you: A) Take the thing to CompUSA and pay for repairs B) Buy a new motherboard and try that ($199) C) Upgrade the processor (seems doubtful it's the processor, and TechTool Deluxe says it's ok) D) Suspect the DC-DC card (but how could this cause a Finder crash?) E) Part the thing out and get a used Cube on eBay? F) Something else? Thanks, Mike