[CUBE] Just so you all know...

Joost van de Griek joost at jvdg.net
Wed Jan 29 10:43:11 PST 2003

On 2003-01-29 18:57, "Gregory P. Perez" <gpp7824 at mac.com> wrote:

> On 1/29/03 10:57 AM, "mentholiptus" <mentholiptus at mac.com> wrote:
>> Hahaha...
>> Funny you chose to Cc this email to the list....even though I only sent
>> it to you. Classy move.
> In your rant/diatribe you repeatedly whined about not how people were not
> tolerant of your views/opinions. If you really want your opinions heard, why
> take them off the list?

Because it is off-topic and does not belong on a list dedicated to Apple
computer hardware.

Now cut it the fuck out, this has gone far enough.

> Afraid you are wrong. I cc'ed it to the list b/c I'm not afraid to be heard.

It is VERY bad form to post private mail to a public place. I do believe you
implicitly agreed to follow the basic rules of netiquette when you signed up
for this list, now go read up on them.


> An off-list email (of an thread you started!) indicates to me another point of
> your weakness. You want to pretend to be a oppressed victim yet in fact you
> are afraid to stand behind your posted views in the face of outside criticism.
> Get a spine. If you have a beef and want to cry "Where can I voice my views?"
> I say, voice them everywhere or don't voice them at all.

No, voice them where appropriate. Which is not here.

Joost van de Griek

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