FrankG frankg at
Thu Jan 30 06:29:34 PST 2003

Wow my stock card is only worth $15
Does this mean the new ones are that much better?
Or are these new cards really just for video production and gamimg 

Apple says the ATI RAGE128 wiil take advantage of Quartz but someone 
else here said it would not-or was that Quartz "Extreme"
Terminology is getting the best of me I think

Thanks Thubten for getting me misdirected from my priorities :) but I 
fail to see a significant advantage from upgrading the ATI Rage 128 
video card other than to get Dual monitor capabilities. Pleas educate 


On Thursday, January 30, 2003, at 09:17 AM, Erik Ness wrote:

> If anyone needs another ATI Rage to keep their Cube well-stocked into 
> the next decade, I'd say the price is worth it here:
>> PowerON offers the Apple/ATI Rage 128 Pro 16MB AGP graphics
>> card for $15.44. (Credit card surcharge included.) It's one
>> of the cheapest Mac video cards we've seen. Several
>> different versions are available: DVI/VGA, ADC/VGA, VGA, and
>> Cube.
>> Click here for updates or to snap up this deal now:
>> <>
> -- 

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