On Sunday, June 1, 2003, at 08:06 AM, Cube List wrote: > Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 19:12:55 -0700 > Subject: [CUBE] iTunes 4.0 Sites & Application Download Links > From: Kunga <Kunga at FutureMedia.org> > Message-Id: <8ED210BF-93D6-11D7-91FD-003065E5AA00 at FutureMedia.org> > > > iLeech 0.35 Now there is the one of the reasons Apple came out with 4.0.1 and one of the main reasons my playlists on my 4.0 machine are now password protected. Not too smart IMHO to be passing out the information that clearly violates common sense. I am now much more restrictive with my sharing now. That's too bad because my connection is really fast. Shame... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Erik Gilchrist mailto:erikgil at metagrafix.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ d e s i g n . d e v e l o p . d e l i v e r :::::::: http://www.metagrafix.com :::::::: http://www.metagrafix.com/2003/ (New look for 2003?) :::::::: http://www.erikgilchrist.com :::::::: http://www.kaitlyngilchrist.com