[CUBE] Pussy Code optimisation

Michael Adams bulk at michaeladams.org
Fri Jun 20 00:11:02 PDT 2003

I had this problem too a while ago on my iBook... my hard drive just 
kept on shrinking. Turned out that the /private/var/vm/ directory had 
about 30 or so swap-files in it, each at 78mb! So I rebooted and gained 
about 7gigs of free hard drive.

I think the reason for the huge number of swap-files was because I 
hadn't rebooted for over a month and I tend to run lots of programs at 
once. Also, MacroMedia Fireworks did a rather spectacular crash a few 
days earlier, gobbling up a whole gig, mainly in swap, I believe. (Btw, 
I have 640mb of ram.)


Alan Thompson wrote:

> ah ha - sounds like a good theory to me..
> i've 640 on the ibook, over 800 mb of ram in the cube.
> --alan
> On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 07:17 AM, Todd Masco wrote:
>> et me guess, you don't have all that much RAM, or you're running a 
>> few RAM-heavy apps.
>> What I'm guessing is going on is that your dynamic swap file is 
>> growing.  S

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