[CUBE] G5 PowerMacs

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Mon Jun 23 19:02:46 PDT 2003

Well we now know that I was correct that the "Premature Specification" 
was a real accident with the real specs for the G5 Macs last Thursday 
evening. Are we going to discuss here or revert back to our CUBEicles?


On Saturday, June 21, 2003, at 06:22  PM, Robert Jagitsch wrote:

>> That's because the only graphic that went up was the .gif with the
>> specs. The rest of the page was unchanged. They won't market it as a
>> G4/G5...the whole thing was a mistake, remember?
> Or an incomplete hack? Or an intentional tease? Guess we'll find out 
> soon
> enough.

"Apple Employee Posts G5 Specs On Store.Apple.com Site" 
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