[CUBE] ichat A/V

Jeffrey M. Swiger N8NOE at comcast.net
Wed Jun 25 10:16:18 PDT 2003

	I also use a lot of Radio equipment here, and have worked in 
Television for a bit.
I'm a Ham Radio Freak, and plaw with ATV (Amateur Television) and this 
Camera is the
Right Size and with Mic should work fine.. We Use Weather Balloons and 
Do Launch
Transmitters, Kinda Cool To See the Earth fading, Ya Know.. I will 
Check the Auto Focus
Feature well... As for Chat-AV, Kinda the Same thing.. Once you talk to 
someone, once or Twice
on the Radio (Let's say in S. America, or something) You'll never be 
there, but you can see the person,
OR BETTER YET, I've seen some shots out of the Persons Window and there 
Something to see...
Not the Postcard image or something, but The real thing.. Not that 
ANYONE would want to see me either,
But What Radios, Computers, Test Equipment, Etc... The Old Saying is 
true, A Picture is worth a Thousand Words!..

On Wednesday, June 25, 2003, at 12:31 PM, Riba wrote:

> On Wednesday, June 25, 2003, at 06:08 PM, Jeffrey M. Swiger wrote:
>> I just Downloaded it, and ordered the New Camera from Apple...
>> Looking to give it a try, and the Camera and Mic in one will work
>> here for other things as well.... Didn't figure it would be too bad, 
>> but it is BETA.
> I stall can't see the benefit of actually seeing someone you are 
> talking with. Even more,  I can't see why would _anyone_ want to see 
> me? I mean, this is more an inconvenience thatn a good thing.
> For me it just seems like an useless gadget.

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