Huge hard drive!

Meirion Roscoe roscoe at
Mon Mar 3 11:27:26 PST 2003

OK, I've finally received my western digital 120GB hard drive with 8MB 
cache.  Now if only I could work out how to change it over!  I realise 
that the cube zone must have a Gucci set of pictures with how to whip 
the old one out etc.  But......
I have a 20Gb firewire drive to move my files to whilst the exchange 
goes on , but how do I then boot up the new drive if it has no OS on 
it?  I know I can use my firewire drive in TGT disk mode but if the new 
drive has no OS on it, how's it all going to work.  Doh, my head hurts!

Any help would be much appreciated.



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