[CUBE] [OFF] Powerbook power plugs

James Knight j.knight at kb-group.co.uk
Fri Mar 7 02:04:43 PST 2003

Thanks for that

In fact both PBs had the flying saucer power supply but the plugs on the
backs of the PBs are different sizes.

I will do as you suggest



on 7/3/03 2:36 am, abillups at mac.com at abillups at mac.com wrote:

> You can buy an adapter that will allow you to use any of the white
> flying saucer power supplies with the new iBooks and PowerBooks. I had
> bought an extra power supply for my G3 Wallstreet and use it now with
> my new 12" alum PB.
> I forget where I got them (I bought one for a friend) but it was only
> $20. You might check MCE or one of the other PB repair websites.
> On Thursday, March 6, 2003, at 01:33  PM, James Knight wrote:
>> Hi folks
>> Wonder if anyone knows about the power plugs on Powerbook G3 (Pismo) &
>> Powerbook G4 (Titanium) computers?
>> I know that the plugs are different sizes, but can one safely use the
>> same
>> power supply with both computers (albeit with the different plug)?
>> The reason I ask - I've just sold my Pismo Powerbook and bought a
>> Titanium
>> one. I have a VST auto-charger (for plugging into lighter socket)
>> which has
>> the plug on it for Pismo. Can I chop the plug off & replace it with the
>> Titanium-type plug?
>> The manuals both specify that the output voltage from the power supply
>> is
>> 24V @ 1.875A.
>> TIA
>> James
>> -- 
>> James Knight
>> Norwich, UK
>> james at twoknight.com

James Knight
Norwich, UK

james at twoknight.com

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