[CUBE] Cube Fire

Alan Thompson athomp2 at mac.com
Wed Mar 26 06:29:50 PST 2003


good luck.  it's generally never acceptable for your computer to catch 
fire, but for apple to pay for it, it would have to be under warranty, 
and the reason they stated that they would likely pay for the costs 
initially was the fact that you just bought a product from them that is 
under warranty, and that product, backed by them, may have caused your 
fire.  when it was shown that the refurbed lcd was not the cause, they 
washed their hands of it, which is typical.

On Wednesday, March 26, 2003, at 05:16 AM, David Goetzka wrote:

> The 17 inch LCD Apple Display is compatible with the Cube right?

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