[CUBE] Still having problems with Cube Hard Drives

Laurie A Duncan laurie at cubeowner.com
Tue May 13 19:38:41 PDT 2003

On 5/13/03 11:30 AM, israndy at yahoo.com added a note to the human symphony,
when this was said:

> I have tried
> leaving the case off and was able to recover the drive once by simply
> unhooking the power and data cables and plugging them back in without
> unhooking anything else.

Since you don't mention jumper settings... I have to ask... Have you
verified the jumper settings on these drives? In most cases, the HD should
be set to Master. In some cases, it need to be set to slave, if the optical
drive (like the MCE drives) is hard-set to Master already. In virtually no
case should it be set to "cable-select" inside the Cube.

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