[CUBE] MacResQ Cube repair program

Richard Clark mawgadog at tin.it
Wed May 21 12:58:18 PDT 2003

all depends if that part is readily available around.
On Wednesday, May 21, 2003, at 09:59 PM, Riba wrote:

> On Wednesday, May 21, 2003, at 06:21 PM, Matthew Luderman wrote:
>> "Actually everyone with a moderate electronics knowledge and a 
>> suitable set of tools should be able to repair fried DC board quite 
>> easily"
>> Does anyone know of any documentation available on repairing a fried 
>> DC board?
>> I have a fried DC board sitting next to me now and wouldn't have a 
>> clue on how to repair it!
> Depends what blows up, but someone on the Cubeowner message board 
> identified the component and I suspect it is likely that most of the 
> fried DC boards have the same part blown up. Of course, the chematic 
> would be very helpful, but the experience would help even more.
> You might ask around for someone skilled at electronics repairs, it's 
> not like you need Apple for this.

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