[CUBE] Apple Mail+Airport

Eagle eagle243 at mac.com
Thu Nov 13 08:15:13 PST 2003

On Nov 13, 2003, at 10:28, Rod Clifford wrote:
> I have seen coments on Apple's discussion boards regarding the last 
> upgrade to 10.2.8-
> several people were having difficulty sending mail. Never read any 
> solutions though.
> I cannot send (but can receive). Also, under prefs/options there is a 
> port number window.
> Outgoing shows port 25, but incoming indicates port 110. Tried port 
> #110 as outgoing but no luck.
> Is this an airpot problem or 10.2.8?
> Thanks in advance, Rod


Port 25 is indeed the "outgoing" mail port - port 25 belongs to SMTP.  
Port 110 is for POP, which is for inbound messages.

Not knowing the specifics of your setup, I would guess that your ISP is 
blocking port 25 to force you to use their mail server.  Try using 
telnet from the command line to see if you can manually connect to port 
25 on the mail server you are using in Mail.app.  Use it like this:
	telnet smtp.foo.com 25
(substituting "smtp.foo.com" with the mail server you are using in 
Mail.app).  If you get a connection, just type "quit"; if you don't get 
a connection, telnet will probably hang or will return "connection 
refused."  Either of those might be an indication that your ISP is 
blocking port 25.


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