I actually think it's a good idea, nicely designed, intelligently engineered AND COMPLETELY RUINED BY THE POWERLOGIX LOGO ON THE FRONT!!! It is as if they do not understand AT ALL what the CUBE is about. It reminds of going to a sales or corporate meeting, and they give EVERYONE a gift, and you pull off the ribbon, and open the box, and you see a beautiful Tiffany sterling silver letter opener, and it's engraved "GMC TRUCKS". Or TWA. Or Johnson & Johnson. They had the money and the taste to buy you a fine gift, that you would keep forever, but they COULD NOT resist screwing it up by engraving the name of their company on it. No one is going to forget that POWERLOGIX made the enclosure. So, if at all, the POWERLOGIX logo should be on the BACK. And smaller. It's nothing to be ASHAMED of, but in my opinion it does not work on the front. I'm sure that the wonderful people at POWERLOGIX make fine products, but no one is going to look at the case and say "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH, you have a POWERLOGIX!!!". Yes, APPLE put the 'apple' on the front of the original housing, but it actually looks okay. AND Apple is a brand that is recognized, and if you care, coveted by many. And lastly they MADE the freakin' computer. Without APPLE there would be no CUBE. It makes no sense for the logo to be that big, even though POWERLOGIX has done fine work in the creation of it. It's like buying a brushed aluminum body for your 'Vette or '64 XKE Jag, and on the hood it says "MetalMasters, So. California". So POWERLOGIX big on the front, suggests to me way too much credit for only making the enclosure. If anything it should have an Apple logo on the front, or BETTER yet, a stencil cutout. Unless it is illegal to use the logo, then they should make a deal with a shop that will add the logo, or stamp out the logo, or put a decal or SOMETHING. Or NOTHING!! No Logo! MYSTERIOSO!!! MONDO MYSTERIOSO!!!!! I wonder if I can buy one without the logo. Best, David Sarcastix http://www.sarcastix.com Laurie A Duncan10/27/03 3:00 PMlaurie at cubeowner.com > I announced this exclusively on CubeOwner last night. It will hit the rest > of the Mac sites today and tonight. > > I can already hear some of you flaming away about what an awful idea it is, > but for the rest of you, meet the new PowerCube: > > <http://www.cubeowner.com/2003_10_26_archive.html#106722056436591160> > > Laurie