[CUBE] Introducing: The PowerCube Enclosure

Laurie A Duncan laurie at cubeowner.com
Tue Oct 28 00:02:42 PST 2003

On 10/28/03 2:47 AM, allan at hise.org added a note to the human symphony, when
this was said:

> Does this enclosure have the same sort of opening for cable accessin the
> back?
> Can you show us a picture of the "guts"? That would be a bottom up
> picture. I'm having a hard time imagining how it all works. (I admit that
> anything mechanical in nature taxes my brain to the limit)
> Allan

There's a pic of the rear of the PowerCube in the cubeowner gallery:


I will snap pics of the "guts" tomorrow, but you can see it is all its glory
by watching the install movie (low res to save space and b/w), which is also
in that album :)

In my "review", you'll also find the step-by-step in a nutshell.

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