[CUBE] CPU upgrade boots first time, but then not ...

macubelist at bridgehead.de macubelist at bridgehead.de
Mon Apr 12 23:15:14 PDT 2004

no. not related. i don't even understand what you mean.

I am just sharing my experience. Thats what I think this list is for.
Let me reinstate: *I* am just sharing *my personal* experience.
I think in english you would say "Your milage may vary" (or something 
like it; it's a foreign language to me).

I don't understand this agression. I rarely post to this site, and if I 
do, I only try to help. I'm not judging anybodys opinion here and I 
don't try to get caught in some of the more bizarre threads that turned 
up here lately. so please, if you don't like my post, don't attack me 
personally, just delete the post.


Am 12.04.2004 um 23:11 schrieb atoa at krak.net:

> On Mon, 12 Apr 2004 macubelist at bridgehead.de wrote:
> Are you related to jmv? The fact that _you_ have had no problems with 
> the
> upgrade is hardly grounds to advise John not to worry, especially in 
> light
> of the other posts in this thread.

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