[Cube] Video problem [sad update]

TonVanHest a.vanhest at chello.nl
Thu Dec 9 05:59:32 PST 2004

Good news: one of the members sent me a videocard to test the cube 
[thanks Dave and thanks others for offering, great to see helpfull 

Bad news: does not solve the problem.

I will recuperate the problem:

I have a Cube in fully original condition, only enhanced memory and 
drive. Cube has worked flwalessly month after month and has mostly been 
on for 24 hours a day. I seldom turn it off/on but lately I had to do 
so because of a update.

I Could not get the Cube started until several retries. However when I 
again turned it off (should have never done that, I know now) it would 
not start again. So I read the service manual and concluded 'battery 
dead". Bought a new battery.

Still the Cube would not start (later I tested the old battery and it 
was fine).

So I pressed the switch (Cuda?) on the logicboard. Fron then on the 
Cube has had no problems starting whatsoever!

However, I have no video output. My monitor says there is no signal. 
The monitor (VGA)_ works fine on other systems.

So I assumed the videocard is defective, replaced it but still no 
video. So it is quite safe to assume the videocard is not the culprit.

Also I checked the voltage on the pins on the (I believe it is called) 
DC-DC board and this is a nice 28.5V.

Next it is proven that the Cube works perfectly. Because Timbuktu was 
installed, I can start the cube and control it from elsewhere and I can 
see the Cube running flawlessly like it had done >24 hours in a row.

So the big question is: is there something I can do besides bringing to 
the Apple store and spend a fortune or selling it.????

Help is very much appreciated.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Ton van Hest
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