[Cube] Re: LGH drive

Dan Oetting dan_oetting at qwest.net
Fri Dec 31 09:22:20 PST 2004

On Dec 31, 2004, at 7:08 AM, J.C. Webber III wrote:

> TonVanHest wrote:
>> Op 28-dec-04 om 15:44 heeft Gary Lauterback het volgende geschreven:
>>> Wahoo!  Glad to hear its working.  May I ask, what is "patchburn?"
>> Patchburn does 2 things:
>> 1.  It places two tiny files in your homedirectory. This activates an
>> unknown feature by which you are able to create a.DMG instead of
>> writing to real DVD. Also it enables you to choose the DVD burner if
>> there are more than one.
>> 2.  It makes a profile of any burner on your system and places this in
>> some system directory making OS X think it is an accepted drive.
> I understand #2, but what is the benefit of providing the capabilities
> in #1?  If you can now, thanks to patchburn, burn to your external DVD
> drive, why would you want/need to create a .DMG file?

Sometimes you want to create a master image if you plan on burning 
several copies.

-- Dan

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