[CUBE] Scanner Choices

James Norman jimoctec at mac.com
Tue Feb 17 15:02:13 PST 2004

I've been following the replies, and no-one seems to have pointed out 
that just as the Cube only supports Firewire 400, it only supports USB 
1.1, so you are not going to get the main benefit of USB 2, the 
supposed speed increase. Make your choice on the software/hardware 
match rather than the speed.


On Wednesday, February 18, 2004, at 01:45 AM, Rod Clifford wrote:

> I would like some thoughts on types of scanners everyone is using.
> With the arrival of USB2, the new HP 4670 scanner would be nice. 
> Reviews indicate
> some graining and a shift to yellow. Would like to scan slides and 
> negs (another feature
> of the HP). Always been under the impression USB scanners are like 
> molasses (especially given
> older USB speeds).
> Slide quality would obviously not match a dedicated film scanner but...
> Current scanner connects via firewire & I'm happy with speeds but, as 
> optics progress
> resolution increases as well. Again, not looking for pro results, just 
> satisfactory for home use.
> Rod

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