iPod Woes :(

Francois franc-b at shaw.ca
Sun Feb 22 00:39:14 PST 2004

Hi everyone, I haven't been contributing much to this mailing list 
lately, been to busy with school, but i was hoping you may have some 
insight on an unfortunate situation with my second gen ipod. (manual 
scroll wheel, 10gb, large fw port on top)
the problems started with the firewire port not making a connection 
unless i push the plug to the metal side of the ipod. but would charge 
normally, (the ipod itself wasn't mounting for some unknown reason long 
before that) and just recently the headphone jack doesn't work unless i 
push it to the back as well.

anyone deal with something similar before? i really don't want to send 
it to get repaired, i rather find somewhere in the city to fix it.
thanks so much.

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