[CUBE] iPod Woes :(

Rod Clifford rod at eslickdesign.com
Mon Feb 23 07:27:15 PST 2004

I have to side with Alan on this.
The computer (and internals) are not the only thing which one works 
with daily.
Ancilliary devices (scanners, printers, iPods, external CD/DVD burners) 
are connected to the CPU and therefore,
can cause problems. Or, someone may be considering a new purchase and 
wishes to have a number of thoughts
on the product (MacWorld is a bit too positive about products to be 
considered reliable).
And to top it off, the CPU needs some sort of OS, be it 9 or X.
The OS itself has created a number of valid questions/comments in my 
Time to move on, Rod

On Feb 23, 2004, at 5:19 AM, Alan Thompson wrote:

>  i believe that it is bad etiquette to pounce on them for doing so.  
> the cube mailing list certainly is cube focused, but it is an active 
> community that posts and discusses all sorts of things macintosh with 
> some frequency.

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