[CUBE] [Cube] No Sound

Luis Meleiro luis_meleiro at cilsp.com
Thu Jun 3 08:57:26 PDT 2004


OS X Help feature explains fairly well the PRAM reset procedure I guess. But yes, you should hold simultaneously option+command+R-P keyboards while booting up and let it chime 2 times before releasing all the keys.

Concerning OS X, I can only report my personal experience, and let's just say everything went smooth since I prevously installed Jaguar and consequently upgraded to Panther. I have both systems running in a nice osmosis... but in separate partitions. Internal 80Gb HDD with 2 partitions: 40Gb for Mac OS 9.2.2 + 40Gb for Mac OS X. Never had problems opening Apple apps/utils. Why don't you just try to create another user and see if it solves!?

Yes, hotmail is a pain in the (you know)... why don't your husband gives a try on a chat app that configures/works multiple services!? Like 'Fire' for instance, but there's a lot more like it, and free! :)

My setup is this since the 9 ol' days (back to 9.1 I guess) and I've got to have it this way due to lack of space in my working place, so the crystal speakers lay side-to-side my Apple Studio Display.

Good luck,

>>> abimygatt at yahoo.com - 2004/06/03 15:12 PM >>>
I haven't zapped my PRAM in quite sometime....  Option + apple + P + R? Let
it start up 3 times before releasing?  I will do that next start up..

As for OS, I recently upgraded from 9.2 to panther. Let's just say, I have
been having problems. Safari worked briefly, then no matter how I start it
up, it unexpectedly quits. Illustrator 10 is fairly unstable. Most help
programs unexpectedly quit. I feel like I'm always being asked to submit
reports to apple. And my husband says that his use of hotmail has
drastically slowed down. It doesn't always register what he has clicked
on...  Any ideas?

As for your set-up list, thank you.  I see that you connect into your
display. I can't believe I've never seen those before!!  I mean really you
just opened up a whole new world!  That side of my screen has always been
against the wall. No excuses, but wow. I've also got a Belkin 4 USB hub. I'm
going to rearrange everything and I bet I will be running much more
smoothly. Thank you so much for your input!


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